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I Voted — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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I Voted

Voting Sticker

As usual there was no one else voting when I went at 10AM. Two precincts use the town hall for voting, but I have never seen a crowd.

There was a new system. I gave them my ‘photo ID’ and they stuck it in a scanner attached to a laptop and had me do a signature on a small touchscreen. I miss the old lineprinter 14 inch green & white paper ledgers that you had to sign with actual ink, but at least I still get a paper ballot to write on, so my vote will probably be counted.

Super Tuesday II,”The Judgement of Mario”, really is Rubio’s Last Stand. If he doesn’t win Florida his campaign is toast. It is all irrelevant because there is no lesser evil among any of them. Kasich is better at pretending he’s not a fascist whack job, but that is all that is left.

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”

That was Barry Goldwater in his acceptance speech as the 1964 Republican candidate for President. This isn’t a new phenomenon for the Republicans. The only thing that changed was their rhetoric until they had to suck up to the “Tea Partiers”.