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They Don’t Learn — Why Now?
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They Don’t Learn

The Belgian government is getting more than slightly annoyed by the “advice” being freely handed out by ignorant politicians in other countries.

The incidents in Brussels were carried out by Belgian citizens who were already under investigation and had nothing to do with the refugee crisis or the open borders within the European Union.

Here’s a news flash for conservatives who weren’t paying attention in world history classes: almost all of the nations in Europe had colonial empires that included Muslim nations. For various political reasons, there were Muslim settlers in the 13 colonies, which is why Thomas Jefferson had a Koran in his library.

When you have leaders who borrow slogans from political comedies you shouldn’t expect much.

When you build a wall or fence, you really need to decide if it is to keeps others out, or to keep you in…


1 Badtux { 03.24.16 at 12:59 am }

I’m pretty sure that there weren’t many Muslims in the Belgian Congo, which, because Belgium got a late start in the colonization business, was pretty far from anywhere Muslim. Belgium is yet another of those made-up countries that the British are famous for, between the French speakers in the south and the Dutch speakers in the north it barely has a functioning national government anymore, which undoubtedly makes it easier for terrorists to shelter there.

2 Badtux { 03.24.16 at 1:01 am }

Meanwhile, the number of politicians who claim that all Muslims want to kill us (and thus the only solution to Islamist terrorists is to kill all 1.5 billion Muslims in the world) continues to grow. These people make Hitler look like a humanitarian, Hitler only wanted to kill a few tens of millions of people, not 1.5 billion people.

3 Bryan { 03.24.16 at 7:36 pm }

There is a very large Moroccan-Belgian community in and around Brussels, augmented by North Africans who came over in the last century to work in France, and a lot of Indonesians who moved to the Netherlands. Of Course there was a large Turkish migration into Germany to work in heavy industry.

Leopold’s obsession with the Congo, didn’t slow Belgian industry from establishing itself throughout Africa.

If walls are built all along the US border in a Trump administration, they will likely be financed by the Canadian and Mexican government to contain the disease. 😉

4 Badtux { 03.25.16 at 2:04 am }

Yeah, maybe Trump will get Mexico to pay for that wall after all. 🙁

5 ellroon { 03.25.16 at 4:03 pm }

All the Murikans who threaten to leave if we don’t enact their religious and racist beliefs will be rather shocked to find out that other countries may not want them.

And even more shocking would be the fact we had Muslims very early on in this country: http://www.alternet.org/belief/right-wingers-would-be-shocked-learn-islam-has-been-part-american-history-its-founding

Omg, the panic….

6 Bryan { 03.25.16 at 9:55 pm }

Actually they would be more shocked at the treatment of Baptists when the country was founded. In spite of all the talk about religious freedom and equal treatment, some religious groups were definitely the ‘first among equals’ and it varied from colony to colony. They would be decidedly unhappy about the views of the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ on marriage and Christmas.

I think they are free to believe whatever they want, but stop scaring the horses by talking about it.