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Day Four Of Forty? — Why Now?
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Day Four Of Forty?

On Thursday and Friday it was a cold front moving through. Overnight the cold front became a warm front and stalled off the coast. The 2-4 inches on Thursday saturated the ground, so where they have real soil instead of sand, generally in the north county, there is the possibility of flooding.

I have a job I would like to finish, but I can’t/won’t do it when it is wet outside because it involves electricity. The absurd part is that the job is to reconnect the irrigation pump which is rather extraneous with all the rain. I suspect the political satirists have gone to work for the Weather Service since Trump started winning primaries.


1 Badtux { 03.26.16 at 9:12 pm }

In the meantime it was a beautiful sunny day here and I got a lot of yard work done. But I would have preferred your deluge. Our reservoirs are still only 40% full….

2 Bryan { 03.26.16 at 9:40 pm }

I would have preferred that you got my deluges and Alaska’s and we got what was once normal. We got the average rainfall for the month of March on Thursday and have doubled up since.

The jet stream isn’t close to where it should be at this time of year and it is pulling all of this weather down here. I’ve lost both my Christmas and Easter cactii that were outside and thrived for years. They rotted out from too much moisture.

3 hipparchia { 03.27.16 at 8:44 pm }

looking on the bright side… I think all this weather is keeping the critters and the bugs away from my garden; even the Muscovy ducks haven’t been out in this.

4 Bryan { 03.27.16 at 9:39 pm }

Muscovy ducks are evil and should be fed to the pythons in the Everglades.

It has scrubbed the air and cleaned last year’s leaves off the water oaks, but that make the road and driveway slick.

It looks like we are going to get a bit of drying time, if we are lucky.