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Japanese Tremors — Why Now?
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Japanese Tremors

Rescue under way after powerful tremors strike Japan.

According to the US Geological Survey there have 130 events in the last 7 days with a magnitude of 4.5 or greater, and 40 of them occurred on Kyushu, the southwestern-most of the four main Japanese islands in the last two days. The island was bisected by the tremors including a 6.0, 6.2, and a 7.0 in a cluster near the city of Kumamoto.


1 Kryten42 { 04.17.16 at 10:54 am }

Ecuador was hit pretty hard by a 7.8. 🙁

Latest from the BBC: Ecuador earthquake: Death toll rises to 233

2 Bryan { 04.17.16 at 9:18 pm }

I was sort of looking for something because of what seems to be a pattern around the Ring of Fire, of first one side, then the opposite side.

We’ve been talking about an election for two years and looks like you will have one before we even have party conventions.