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2016 April 27 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Nothing Much To Report

Drumpf doesn’t know anything about foreign affairs which is not surprising since he has pretty much made himself persona non grata in Scotland, and has offended the more than one billion inhabitants of the planet who are Muslim.

Apparently because misery loves company, Ted Cruz has selected Carly Fiorina as his running mate.

Target is being boycotted because it has said it won’t require shoppers to display their genitals before selecting a bathroom, or something similar. Since this is the work of the “American Family Association” I know that based on past incidents the number of supporters is wildly over-stated, and they will generate astroturf campaigns and ask for money. I’m wondering how any non-governmental organization can legally enforce bathroom sex checks because effective checks would get you listed as a sex offender in every state or sued for sexual harassment.

April 27, 2016   54 Comments