They Did It
Now all they have to do is figure out how to pay for it, because Scotland will probably split off thanks to this vote.
The BBC has extensive coverage including: “How do I tell the cats?” – the world reacts to #Brexit online. Edward Snowden noted before the count was completed: “No matter the outcome,#Brexit polls demonstrate how quickly half of any population can be conviced to vote against itself. Quite a lesson.” Abe Lincoln put it this way: “You can fool all of the people some of the time; some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
My favorite response was from the Canadian highlighting the British Empire.
Six ways Brexit could hit Americans. Short term a good time for a vacation in Britain, but Brits probably won’t visit the US because the Pound is falling.
The vote is setting off a massacre of the leaders of political parties, as it should. What kind of fool does something like this to themselves?
Donald Trump landed in Scotland for the grand re-opening of a refurbished golf resort, and promptly tweeted that it was so good that people there had voted for national sovereignty rather than to be part of the EU. The Scots voted 65-35 to stay in the EU, and were rather… peeved.
It turns out that Scots have some rather… colorful… curse words to describe people like Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, The New Yorker’s cover for their July 4 issue is rather… Pythonesque:
Yay nationalism. But why worry? When has rampant nationalism, race baiting, and economic chaos ever led to trouble in Europe?
– Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Thankfully, the World (the part of Earth outside of the USA for those wondering) has FOX & the Don to thank for endless hilarity! 😀
First up, FOX (via PJ Klieweg – Director for Security Policy / Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs):
Second, the Scot’s reaction to a complete wrong comment by Trump upon his visit to open the revamped Trump Turnberry golf course in Turnberry, Scotland:
Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland
And my favorite (from Twitter):
This is what the Scot’s think of the moronic Don’s visit to Scotland where, as usual, he got it all wrong! One British commentator: “Which is what the wazzock gets for praising Brexit in Scotland, where people voted “remain” by nearly 2-1. (“Wazzock”, Lincolnshire slang for “stupid jerk”, was used to describe him in the Parliamentary debate on the petition asking that Trump be banned from entering the UK.)” — Good idea! I hope Aussies votes to ban him also. LOL
Drumpf’s mother was an immigrant from Scotland, so you would think that he would show a little more interest in the land of her birth. The Scots are looking at leaving the UK so they can stay in the EU. Northern Ireland is talking about joining the Irish Republic to remain in the EU. I can’t wait to see the total disaster the ‘Chunnel’ is going to become with border inspections.
Cameron is quitting to avoid the firing squad. Totally FUBAR.
This take on the Brexit rumpus is intriguing:
Never ascribe to conspiracy what can be readily explained by stupidity.
Like his dopplegänger, Drumpf, everything Boris does is about Boris. He doesn’t really have any actual principles, just a lot of bumper sticker slogans on cue cards. Most people are unaware that like Drumpf, Boris was born in New York City.
This scenario requires too much wile from Cameron, but he may have some competent political advisors.
“Never ascribe to conspiracy what can be readily explained by stupidity.”
In my neck of the woods, this is often attributed to the late great Molly Ivins. Don’t know if she ever said exactly that, but she expressed the thought many, many times.
My favorite source on Brexit’s effect on America is… wait for it… The Guardian online. Forget our domestic sources; they don’t understand or express the effect a tenth as well as The Guardian.
The Guardian has several Brexit/America articles every day; the web front of the American edition (or install the smartphone app; the install knows where you live 😈 ) has links to most of them.
I have the BBC, The Guardian, McClatchy, and NPR on the iPad. ABC [Australia], BBC, and CBC [Canada] are my primary sources for what is going on in the world.
People seem to forget how badly the government leaks to really expect they could pull off a decent conspiracy.