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Godspeed, John Glenn — Why Now?
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Godspeed, John Glenn

First US orbital mission
20 February 1962

Oldest person in space
29 October 1998

John Herschel Glenn Jr. , Colonel, USMC retired (July 18, 1921 – December 8, 2016)

Combat as a fighter pilot in World War II and Korea, military test pilot, first cross-country flight at supersonic speed, last of the Mercury astronauts, US Senator.

NASA remembers him.


1 Kryten42 { 12.10.16 at 8:25 am }

An amazing man, with an amazing life. He got to do what very few ever have or could. And he paved the way for others. 🙂

He is someone who can truly say that he accomplished something wonderful with his life. 🙂

We should all be so lucky.

He can certainly Rest in Peace! And who knows… perhaps some part of him is exploring farther than he could as a mortal man. 😀

I salute him.

2 Badtux { 12.10.16 at 11:37 am }

Damn, what a life he had. Talk about a dude who had the Right Stuff. Somehow I doubt that he had a whole helluva lotta regrets when he left this world.

3 Bryan { 12.10.16 at 8:39 pm }

About the only low point was that his run for the President didn’t go anywhere. It is hard to reconcile the number of good, intelligent people that we have in the US with our ‘selection’ for President.

He was from an era when being educated was important.