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Donald ‘Chaos’ Drumpf Tweets — Why Now?
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Donald ‘Chaos’ Drumpf Tweets

He’s not even officially elected yet and he is causing dyspepsia around the world. Both Boeing and Lockheed Martin have suffered stock market losses when ‘Chaos’ made veiled threats about the cost of the aircraft they are building for the government. Here’s a hint: the aircraft are bespoke/customized for the government’s purposes. There is no ‘Walmart’ for aircraft.

‘Chaos’ thinks that the CIA is involved in a scheme to excuse the Clinton loss, apparently because his his buddy Vlad said he didn’t do it. He thinks the report on Russian hacking is ‘fake news’.

‘Chaos’ thinks that the Presidential Daily Intelligence Briefings are too repetitive, so Pence is getting the daily briefings while Drumpf has a weekly roundup. He says they should only brief him if something important happens – standard CEO exception reporting.

He rescheduled his press conference on his business interests until January. He needs time to review ‘protocols’. No idea what in hell that means.


1 Shirt { 12.13.16 at 9:46 am }

We have been conquered by an implacable enemy who is intent on dismantling the values of the people who elected him.

2 Badtux { 12.13.16 at 1:44 pm }

Real President Pence. Yay. Meanwhile the ORPG (Orange Racist P**** Grabber) tweets and tweets and tweets. The only good thing here is that the Chinese, who were thinking they might end up going to war against the United States over his tweets about Taiwan, have now figured out that the ORPG is an idiot and are merely grumbling about that fact in the unofficial house organs of the regime.

3 Kryten42 { 12.13.16 at 2:48 pm }

LOL Yeah. Seems the Don has changed his attacks on Muslims to attacks on the CIA & DNC (temporarily I’m sure). 😀

Donald Trump attacks CIA over Russian hacking claims

I left an appropriate comment:

Seriously, I fail to understand why anyone is surprised!! Trump has proven time and again he is the penultimate Narcissist! Trump only cares about Trump! And winning whatever he wants is his only goal! He’s also proven he will do anything to win, whatever the price. He cares nothing at all for the USA or the World & it’s people. And that’s the way it is.

At least one tweet was accurate: “The F-35 program and cost is out of control,”

Yep! And of course, our morons in charge responded with (shortened & paraphrased): “We don’t care! We are committed to buying them!” Of course, since we are close to bankrupt… I don’t know where the $billions for them will come from. *shrug*

We have 2 pilots & ground crew being qualified on the F-35 in Arizona. The plan is to buy them for 2020 delivery. Like most Government plans… It’s mostly wishful thinking, as the FB-111 was (’68 delivery planned, ’74 actual). 🙂

Oh, and this:
Russian scandal highlights major conflicts of interest in Trump appointments

And it seems that has been confirmed (Rex Tillerson as SoS). How’s your Russian Bryan? May come in handy. 😉 😀

4 Bryan { 12.13.16 at 3:26 pm }

He has no values and no skill at estimating the value of anything. His new venture in the former Post Office building in DC is not estimated to last as long as his Atlantic City casino because he paid too much for the lease. This is why so many of his ventures end bankruptcy- he over values everything he likes and under values what he doesn’t like.

Shortly he going to have to decide if he upholds the rights of a US resident against the Turkish government, or caves in and extradites him to Turkey to save his Turkish partners in Trump Towers in Ankara.

Trump has no clue as how nasty the leaders of other countries are.

Kryten, every Western deal with Russia on oil ended with the Russians getting everything and the Western companies getting nothing. ‘Chaos’ chose a man who has already lost his ‘lunch money’ to Vlad and wants him to cut deals that Vlad will actually honor? Not going to happen.

If he did appoint Rick Perry to be the new Secretary of Energy, it will be a major downgrade from Secretary Moniz, PhD, who is a physicist. Rick Perry has a BS in ‘Animal Science’ from Texas A&M and prints his ‘signature’.

5 Jennifer { 12.15.16 at 11:38 pm }

Looking at all his appointments so far they appear to be the work of Pence. Everyone is pathologically anti LBGT and even a creationist or two thrown in.. Pence is a creationist. Reminds me of Reagan all over.. He got to “play” President and Bush and Rumsfeld ran the country. Difference is this time they picked a greedy idiot and won’t last long.

6 Badtux { 12.16.16 at 12:46 am }

Just saw that a Chinese party organ says China should seize Taiwan by force.

Note that we have one (1) aircraft carrier in the area, the USS Ronald Reagan, currently docked in Japan.

7 Kryten42 { 12.16.16 at 1:26 am }

Things definitely can get worse. They have here. Remember the Census debacle? Think iceberg!

It just can’t be that hard to keep your government websites going – Radio Transcript

The problem’s aren’t the websites per se, it’s the back-end data systems that are screwed! Not surprised the HP SAN system for the ATO is corrupted, along with the backup. *shrug*

Then this:

ATO’s online meltdown to be reviewed by independent expert

I just hope that the supposed “independent expert” truly is both! But given he’s an Government appointment, I doubt either will be so.

“This was an extremely unusual and unfortunate event,” — No, it wasn’t.

8 Bryan { 12.16.16 at 8:43 pm }

It’s because of climate change, Kryten, with 100-year disasters occurring every 5 years. 😉 If governments insist on using over-priced ‘consultants’ from the same organization that created the defective system in the first place, things get patched, not fixed, and every patch reveals a new problem.

The Chinese are getting really bellicose over Hong Kong, the South China Sea, and now Taiwan, while Tibet and the Uyghurs are simmering in the background. Trump comes in and starts kicking the ‘dragon’ who has thermonuclear breath.This is not a good time to be in the military.

George HW Bush picked Dan Quayle as his VP, because even our enemies weren’t crazy enough to want to see ‘potatoe’ boy in the Oval Office. Trump or Pence ? Not a dime’s worth of difference.

9 Kryten42 { 12.16.16 at 9:13 pm }

It’s possible that environmental issues are part of the problem in this case, but the major issue is piss poor planning in the first place! Not just typical Government stupidity, but HP’s. Trust me, I could go on for thousands of words about that! I’ve worked for both & seen it all. About the only thing that surprises me here, is that anyone is surprised!

All things considered, I suspect Pence would be worse than Trump. Pence is the Christian equivalent of a Jihadist.

Anyway, back to Russia hacks & Trump (from WaPo):

FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

10 Kryten42 { 12.16.16 at 10:30 pm }
11 Jennifer { 12.16.16 at 10:33 pm }

I honestly have no idea how Trump came up with Pence…

12 Badtux { 12.16.16 at 10:34 pm }

Pence may be the Christian equivalent of a Jihadist, Kryten, but he’s not insane enough to kick the Chinese dragon. That takes a very special kind of insane. Chaos is not good for business, and chaos is what Trump brings everywhere he goes. The power brokers behind the Republican Party may well decide that Pence is the lesser of two evils and off Trump. It won’t take much to impeach him, heck, they could probably even convict him of being bribed by the Russians with what the CIA has to have on him by now, and you can be darn sure that the CIA will make sure people in Congress get that info regardless of who Trump appoints as agency head.

13 Jennifer { 12.16.16 at 10:49 pm }

First off Trump isn’t smart. He’s a master manipulator of stupid people but otherwise he’s his own worst enemy. People don’t just like Trump. They worship the ShitGibbon. As Vanity Fair says.. Trump is the poor people’s version of wealthy. So they best way out of Trump will be an accident.

14 Bryan { 12.17.16 at 6:54 pm }

Kryten, I assume you know I was joking about climate change and computer problems. I stopped working for any and all government organizations because they are slow to pay and don’t bother to find out what they want before they issue a request for a proposal. Most RFPs have no concrete relation to what the organization really needs, and there is almost zero chance that anyone in management talked to the end users before issuing it.

Jennifer, Pence was one of the few people who would work with Trump. His choices are coming from other people because he has no idea what offices need filling or who is qualified to fill them.

Drumpf thinks that the Chinese stealing US Naval equipment is ‘unpresidented’, which shows both a lack of knowledge of US-Chinese relations and spelling skills, because there are multiple examples of precedents, a good reason not to poke the dragon unless you are prepared for an escalation.

If he starts losing significant amounts of money, I can see him resigning to take control of his ’empire’.

15 Kryten42 { 12.17.16 at 10:53 pm }

Yes, I saw the *winkie* and know you were kidding. 🙂 I was having an annoying day, and it is actually a concern from some reports I’ve been seeing lately. 🙂 We are expecting an increase in quakes for example because a large rift has opened up on the ocean floor just North of Aus. Some of the Gov data centers are in the Northern part of Aus. But a decent quake could cause problems in the ACT also. I suspect most data centers have minimal provision for quakes as they were quite rare, and typically small there.

Trump is good at loosing money. He does that all the time. 🙂

16 Kryten42 { 12.18.16 at 2:53 am }

I just read an article by Wil Wheaton on Medium about the wasted Obama years (and they were wasted) and the problems the World will have with trump, & more importantly, the *deplorables* (Wil’s word for the right wing nut Trump lovers).

Indivisible Against Trump: A practical guide to fighting back

Even though he has never held a public office, or cared about anyone other than himself in his life, he and his toadies will do everything they can to destroy the popular, progressive achievements of the last century that have made life better for tens of millions of Americans, they will enact policies that will greatly harm the very people who voted for him, and undermine our national security so that Exxon can make more money. None of this matters to his voters, because they won. People all over America — including Trump voters — who have genuinely benefitted from the Affordable Care Act are going to lose their health insurance, struggle financially, and some of them will die, but they don’t care because they won! Yeah! Fuck you, Liberals and Feminists and SJWs! We won! HASHTAG GAMERGATE HASHTAG FREE MILO.

We’re fucked.

PS. Love his cartoon! 😀

17 Bryan { 12.18.16 at 4:22 pm }

I noticed the cluster of magnitude 7+tremors and tsunami warnings off the island to the north of Oz. The US is getting clusters of small to medium quakes in odd places that are finally realizing that fracking is at least a contributing cause, even if they are not ready to admit that fracking = earthquakes.

It does look like something tore loose. Now you have a San Onofre situation. San Onofre is a nuclear power plant on the coast in California. A while after it was built, a new fault line was found running right underneath the plant. The plant was not built to withstand a major quake because of a lack of known activity in the area. Mother Nature always gets even.

Wil is correct that Obama wasted his best chance of fixing things by trying to compromise with people who would never admit he was President. That was one of the reasons that the Dems lost control of Congress – they didn’t do anything for their base, so the base didn’t come out to vote.

18 Badtux { 12.19.16 at 12:31 am }

And Hillary ran a cautious race that basically promised more of the same. Which is why she won the votes of the counties that account for 66% of U.S. GDP, who are doing quite well under “more of the same”, but lost the rest of the US that isn’t doing so well. Because if all you’re promising is more of the same and what those people have is misery, why should they vote for more misery?

Of course, Der Trumperor is going to make their lives even *more* miserable, but… (shrug). I guess they didn’t care about that.

19 Bryan { 12.19.16 at 3:44 pm }

People know what ‘more of the same’ means, so if it hasn’t been good for them, they will take a chance on change. A lot of people who voted for him have no idea what Trump intends to do, but it isn’t going to be what has been happening for the past 8 years. People are hoping for better, but they will get worse.