Happy, Merry, Joyous Whatever!
Ho Ho Ho!
С Рождеством Христовым
Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Nadolig Llawen
Fröhliche Weihnachten
Joyeux Noël
Buon Natale
Feliz Navidad
God Jul
Rauhallista Joulua
Koli Sana Wa Anta Tayib
Happy Christmas
At 6AM CST Christmas arrived in Asia, and the excitement is building among the “rug rats” that will burst forth at any moment to waken their poor parents who have probably had about two hours of sleep after dealing with “some assembly required” and/or “batteries not included”.
To avoid any bad feelings: it is an official requirement contained in the “Manual for Childless Adults” that some form or type of device that makes loud and obnoxious noises must be included in all Christmas parcels for children [of all ages].
happy merry joyous whatever to you too!
I hope your grievances were aired and your stocking filled.
“[S]ome form or type of device that makes loud and obnoxious noises must be included in all Christmas parcels for children”
I knew of a single fellow who did the opposite.
He was staying at his brother’s house for the holidays. His young nephew received a drum for Christmas. His response was to say to the nephew, “Why don’t you cut it open and see what is inside, making all the noise?”
We had a wonderful Christmas with family this year, except for the eldest (a CSO on a U-28), who is deployed. Fortunately, we were able to FaceTime/Skype with them today, so all is well in that regard.
Wishing all a happy holiday!
Indeed! 😀 I had a very relaxing day with the kitties! Even they seemed to realise it wasn’t a day to be annoying. 😉 😀
Truly best wishes all, and hope for a better 2017. 😀
I just dropped by to deliver things and then left. That’s why I like small children – I can leave when I’ve had enough and let their parents deal with the noise and sugar highs. 😈
It is a lot easier to keep up today than when I was in.
Sounds like a good Christmas to me, M8, especially the kitty part and now you had cricket all day.
I don’t watch TV. 🙂 And I certainly wouldn’t watch the cricket if I did. LOL
Mr. Kitty has invited his GF to stay apparently, and she likes it here. *sigh* So now I have 2! Though, I know he was abandoned & a stray, I think she just doesn’t like the people she was living with! Though neither had tag’s or a chip (according to the Vet). So… Finder’s, keepers I guess. 🙂
Her’s a pic of them doing what they love the most a couple weeks ago when Lady Kitty (the black one) decided she was moving in. It was a warm day, so they eat outside. They prefer it. She likes to take the kibble out of the bowl to eat it daintily, He likes to vacuum up anything that’s remotely food like! I thought she’d be useful on account of her feather duster tail… But so far, she’s been resistant to the attempt! 😉
This is from my Pinterest hidden board for a few friends where we share pic’s of each others cat’s etc. that we don’t particularly want to share with the nosy multitudes on Pinterest! I resized it in the
tag to fit. See if it works…
If you open the image in another tab/window (right-click, menu), you should get the original size (in theory)!
There’s more if anyone wants. 🙂
Kitties are always welcome, especially in the year in which my teenage and young adult ‘heroes’ are dying at an alarming rate.
They probably hooked up and he told her he had a ‘mark’. She looks like she might be Burmese.
Cricket is environmentally friendly – the grass has time to regrow between innings.
Yeah. I’ve had cat’s that lasted 20 years or more, others didn’t make it to the teens. Like human’s, no matter how careful you are, when their times up… It’s up. It’s always sad.
Now Carrie Fisher & George Michael have died this Month. Been a bad couple years for Celeb’s. Carrie’s Mother Debbie Reynolds – 84, has survived her daughter which must be hard.
Well, that is one thing that can be said for Cricket, the Tests at least. 😀 But it seems Cricket Australia & other governing bodies are focusing for and more on the fast games, like 20/20. More money in those. They draw the crowd’s etc. I have to admit, the 20/20 games are more exciting to watch than a Test, where you can watch the grass grow! LOL Our Test team really sux this year. I wonder if the team selections were done purposely to focus people attention on the faster games? *shrug*
Richard Adams (96) – Watership Down, Vera Rubin (88) – pioneer woman astrophysicist who proved the existence of dark matter. The end of December is stacked with people who hung on to get past the holidays, and then give up. This has been a bad year, and next year could be worse. It isn’t so hard to take when they are older than I am, but Carrie was a decade younger.
Yes, they are mucking about with cricket – pink balls and colored uniforms – disgraceful!!!
Sadly, Debbie Reynolds died from a stroke. A day after Carrie.
Reminds me of my maternal grandfather. After my grandmothers funeral, he said he would mourn for a year & get his affairs in order, then he would join her. And he did (not a suicide, just passed in his sleep as she had).
I posted some pins of Vera Rubin earlier this year (and other amazing female Scientists who never got the recognition they truly deserved).
On the whole, the human race sux! But some of the individuals are simply wonderful. Most of those have never been heard of.
The loss of a loved one is often the trigger for people to have a heart attack or stroke. Losing a child, even a 60-year-old child, has to be a shock, and Debbie Reynolds’ health wasn’t all that good.
Here’s an editorial about Debbie Reynold’s passing & a snapshot of her life:
Debbie Reynolds’ heartbreaking last words: ‘I want to be with Carrie’
I feel quite sad for Carrie’s daughter Billie.
The other family members all got a double shock at what should have been the happiest time of the year.
Well.. I guess I should have had a bit more faith in the Aussie Team! It seems miracles can happen @ Xmas time! LOL Though, in truth, the Aussies didn’t so much *win* as much as the Pakistan team *lost*. A lot of unforced errors cost them the game in the end.
Australia seals series with stunning MCG win
Too much self-confidence on the part of the Pakistanis. Happens all the time. That’s why sustained losing records are even harder to maintain than winning records – everyone assumes you are going to lose … until you don’t. 🙂