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Happy Australia Day — Why Now?
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Happy Australia Day

flag of Australia

The anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet under Captain Arthur Phillip at Port Jackson in New South Wales on January 26th, 1788.

Here’s the official site, and more information at Wikipedia.


1 Kryten42 { 01.27.17 at 12:03 am }

Erm… There was nothing at all *happy* about it! The protests around the country were impressive (given our population relative to USA). Over 50,000 just in Melbourne @ Flinders St. Station. It’s not even the correct date. This was chosen in ’96 (from memory).

Most want to rename it “Invasion Day” which would indeed be more accurate.

I was proud of Aussies for a change. 😀

Added to the Centrelink disgrace, which even has staff up in arm’s, people have had enough.

It was a typical piece of political BS from our Moron in Charge! And the people have had enough.

Stung! Data and technology are hardly the saviors our government wishes them to be

2 Kryten42 { 01.27.17 at 4:23 am }

Maybe Trumpet get’s his ideas from Turdbull:

Alarmism, economic idiocy, and Orwellian appointments: three years of political disaster

Nahhh! Just a coincidence. We know Trumpet get’s his *ideas* from FOX! They say something insane, he tweets it’s his great idea within 15 minutes. *shrug*

3 Bryan { 01.27.17 at 7:42 pm }

It has taken on the flavor of Columbus Day in the US which isn’t really celebrated as anything other than a day off except in Italian neighborhoods. There must be a day when Australia achieved independence from direct British rule that would be more appropriate.