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This is going to hit a vital organ: Trump’s bottom line

On Friday, three well-known charities — the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and Susan G. Komen — announced they are canceling plans for fundraising events at President Trump’s Palm Beach country club, Mar-a-Lago.

The three joined a growing list of nonprofits that have severed ties with the exclusive, Trump-owned resort. Others include the Cleveland Clinic and the American Cancer Society.

This is the price you pay for hanging out with Nazis and the KKK. The media had a fit when Hilary Clinton pointed out that many of Trump’s supporters were deplorable, but they had to kill someone before the media believed it.


1 Badtux { 08.20.17 at 5:05 pm }

Add the Palm Beach Zoo to that list. Even the locals despise Trump.

2 Bryan { 08.20.17 at 7:38 pm }

The locals have taken a huge financial hit by Trump staying at Mar-a-Lago since becoming President. The security costs and disruption have damaged local small businesses, especially those at the local general aviation airport. People don’t pay the prices in Palm Beach to be faced with restrictions on their use of their property. The local movers and shakers don’t like being told to move it.