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2017 October 02 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Accountant, property manager, gambler – audit his books for a motive…

The gun manufacturers saw a 7% stock rise.

The so-called doubling of the standard deduction to $12,000 in the Repub tax plan is actually an increase of $1,600 to the combined standard deduction plus the personal exemption currently at $10,400.

St. John and St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands got nailed and Puerto Rico got sideswiped by Hurricane Irma on September 6th, and St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands was leveled by Hurricane Maria on September 19th, just before it slammed into Puerto Rico.The response for the Virgin Islands has not exactly been ‘world class’. Both Irma and Maria followed their predicted tracks, so there is no justification for the slow response. There was plenty of time to preposition resources to come in as soon as the winds died, not days later.

I will be updating the site later tonight, so I might be down for a while.

Update: “Warmest condolences” … Trump Tweeted that to family and friends of the Las Vegas victims. Get the man an editor or an English tutor. Regards are ‘warm’, condolences are ‘deep’. He needs to send someone to get him some sympathy cards so he knows what to say as he obviously never learned how.

October 2, 2017   Comments Off on Stuff