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Nothing Gets Through The Bubble — Why Now?
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Nothing Gets Through The Bubble

Look at the video to see a short but great rant. ‘The Guy’s A Bridge Troll!’: CNN Panelist Shreds Trump Over Claim Media Makes Him Look ‘Uncivil’.

At the same event he again claims Mrs. Johnson is wrong about his phone call, and adds that he didn’t approve the Niger mission. Again it was “the generals” who were responsible. He wants all of the credit and will accept none of the blame.

He is traveling to Asia shortly. Has anyone explained that he will be going into the range of North Korea’s existing missiles and really should stop attacking Kim Jong-Un as a matter of personal safety?


1 oldwhitelady { 10.29.17 at 5:09 pm }

What did Kim Jong In call Trump? Dotard? Ha. It does make sense. I’m afraid Trump won’t leave the Twitter feed alone. As Mueller gets closer, Trump (and his cohorts (like Devin Nunes)) will just keep trying to change the subject and muddy the waters.

2 Bryan { 10.29.17 at 8:43 pm }

The North Korean foreign minister called Trump the “Lying King”, which was clever.

Politicians, and Republicans in particular, constantly attempt to deflect attention from their mistakes and bad conduct. It may work with the Republican base, but no one else believes it.

Mueller has the bit between his teeth and knows where the finish line is. Trump is not going to misdirect him and Trump should be reminded that firing a special prosecutor is what got Nixon impeached.