All Hallowed Evening
Whether you celebrate Celtic New Year’s Eve [Samhain], the evening before All Saints Day [Halloween], or the 500th anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 [Reformation Day], have a happy one.
Wikipedia does its normally thorough job of covering all of the bases on the holidays that share October 31st.
These are my remembrances of a traditional American Halloween.
Locally we are having preemptive lawn drowning to prevent people at the ‘Autumn Festival’ from parking on our grass.
We still have Halloween here, the traditional kind, but it’s kind of declining. I didn’t have as many kids come to my door this year, and most of them were in large groups of 20 or more supervised by 2 or 3 adults, apparently some new program to give parents a break on Halloween so they can go to their own parties. On the other hand, some of the groups were very creative. There as one group where they were all dressed as various Pokemon, for example…
That is the kind of thing that makes Halloween fun, parents & kids working together to hustle candy out of strangers. Imagine a platoon of mini-Storm Troopers [the Star
Wars variety] 🙂
That’s my boy!