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Ups & Down — Why Now?
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Ups & Down

Charlie Pierce is reporting that Paul Ryan is talking about retiring. Gee, why would the Speaker of the House retire? It couldn’t have anything to do with the proof that Trump can’t even get a win in Alabama. If 2018 is the blood bath for the GOP that it currently appears will be the case, this was probably going to be Ryan’s last year as Speaker.

The other up note for me is Marco Rubio says ‘no’ to the tax plan. Trump says that Rubio will come around, but Trump has lost his power to influence Congresscritters. Rubio wants to stay in the Senate, and the current version of the conference bill won’t do it.

As expected Ajit Pai rolled over and played dead for his ISP masters and voted to eliminate Net Neutrality. The States of New York and Washington are suing over the decision and other groups are attempting to get Congress to fix this problem once and for all.


1 hipparchia { 12.15.17 at 5:38 pm }

It couldn’t have anything to do with the proof that Trump can’t even get a win in Alabama.

apparently, trump can’t even FIND Alabama, given that he came here to florida instead to campaign for his candidate.

the locals here do sometimes jokingly call this area LA (as in lower Alabama), so I did wonder if he actually believed that.

2 Bryan { 12.15.17 at 8:31 pm }

May as well be if you watch our Congresscritter, Matt Gaetz, trying to save Trump from the Mueller investigation. What an obnoxious twit. Fortunately, Trump doesn’t have ‘find’ anything, the navigator on Air Force One can do that. OTOH, the flight crew has to take him where he wants to go, not where he should go. [If they filed a flight plan to Hell, the Secret Service would get nervous.]

The little town I live in was founded principally by two families from Alabama. That’s why LuVerne, Opp, Andalusia, and Troy are street names.

3 Kryten42 { 12.15.17 at 10:40 pm }

Regarding the crooked shyster Pai… It seems CA was ready & waiting! Hopefully, other States will follow! 😆

Now that the FCC has repealed net neutrality, let’s adopt it in California

Yep! Dotard Tantrum is still winning… NOT! Soooo much LOOSING!! 😂👍🏾

Yeah! The despicable rat’s are very nervous & will want to leave the Titanic disaster before it sinks & they’re sunk with it! Those that have any sense of self-preservation anyway. But majority of GOP are morons so will cling to the inevitable. Good!

4 Badtux { 12.16.17 at 2:30 am }

Eh, the Corporations Commission here in California that’s responsible for regulating companies like Comcast is provably in the pocket of the big corporations, so good luck on that one….

5 Bryan { 12.16.17 at 11:28 am }

The biggest problem with government regulators is that they get ‘captured’ by the industries and companies they are supposed to be regulating. Politics is based on money and those with money rig the system so they get even more money while everyone else gets less.