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Clueless — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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You have to understand the rules of the game before you step onto the pitch.

Kim Jong-un met with new South Korean President Moon Jae-in because Moon asked and was willing to talk to Kim, unlike former Presidents Park [father and daughter].

Kim agreed to set up a meeting with Trump because Mike Pompeo made trips to North Korea as both the head of the CIA and current Secretary of State.

Kim released three Korean Americans [Kim Dong-chul, Kim Hak-song, and Kim Sang-duk] and announced he was shutting down the North Korean nuclear test facility as a ‘good will gestures’. This produced effusive praise from Trump.

Today Kim cancelled talks with President Moon, and said the meeting with Trump might be cancelled because the US and South Koreans held their long scheduled military exercises.

North Korea ‘arrests’ foreigners to use as bargaining chips and the nuclear test facility had been rendered useless by the last test that resulted in collapsed tunnels underground. Despite that, he expected something from Trump beyond words and didn’t get it. Now he is going to test both Moon and Trump to see how badly they want agreements.

Trump doesn’t know what the ‘ball’ looks like or how you use it to score.

Note: Kim is the most common surname/family name in Korea.