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Holiday Travel — Why Now?
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Holiday Travel

ICHC cat Magi

This is a prime example of why you should make a list and check it twice when traveling during holidays. Following stars is all well and good, but can you tell the difference between a star and a meteorite headed directly for you?

If you are migrating home, or off on a vacation, be safe.


1 hipparchia { 12.24.18 at 5:55 pm }

no migrations for any of us this yuletide, so we all stayed dry (mostly, I did get drizzled on at one point). we do the family get-together thing at thanksgiving.

this is still my FAVORITE Christmas lolcat ever, so once again, I thank you for my Christmas present! 🙂

2 Bryan { 12.24.18 at 7:36 pm }

I had to search for it. ICHC “modernized” their site and all of my links blew up. It was a favorite of mine so I went after it.

The majority of the tenants went home for Christmas, so I’m having a quiet few days.