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In News of Other Elections: — Why Now?
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In News of Other Elections:

If the EU extends the Brexit deadline it is looking more certain that there will be a Parliamentary election in Britain. Johnson’s Brexit plan passed its first vote, but lost a vote to speed up to overall process before the Halloween deadline. [Maybe extending it until Valentine’s Day would produce better vibes]

It is also possible a new Brexit referendum may be scheduled.

Update: This appeals to my odd sense of humor – Brexit [It only makes sense if you are familiar with the CS Lewis’ Narnia stories]


1 Jeffrey M Lincourt { 10.28.19 at 10:00 pm }

I saw that xkcd cartoon too, and laughed.

2 Bryan { 10.29.19 at 4:50 pm }

British politics is more fun than US politics. The nastiness is more civilized 😈