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All Hallowed Evening — Why Now?
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All Hallowed Evening

Bonus Cat Blogging

Jack o' lanternWhether you celebrate Celtic New Year’s Eve [Samhain], the evening before All Saints Day [Halloween], or the anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 [Reformation Day], have a happy one.

Wikipedia does its normally thorough job of covering all of the bases on the holidays that share October 31st.

These are my remembrances of a traditional American Halloween.

Locally we are having preemptive lawn drowning to prevent people at the ‘Autumn Festival’ from parking on our grass.


1 Marsha { 11.03.19 at 3:05 pm }

Love the remembrances Bryan…we had neighbors who met us with those home made cookies tied up in a bag, donuts, fried cakes, candied apples and popcorn balls as well. And our neighborhood allowed us to go out the night before on what we called Beggars Night. Homemade costumes and a town parade and prizes to follow for the most imaginative given out on the small town movie theater stage.

2 Bryan { 11.03.19 at 9:40 pm }

New York, especially small town New York, was better suited to Halloween than anywhere today. I felt bad for the children going to the “Harvest Festival” at the church across the road. They weren’t ready for temperatures in the 40’s.

3 hipparchia { 11.10.19 at 7:13 pm }

(emoticons not working?)

every year I consider blowing up that picture and mounting it on foam board in my front yard for Halloween.

4 Bryan { 11.11.19 at 3:15 pm }

They work for me, but that doesn’t mean much for everyone else 😉

You have that image somewhere and manipulated the hell out of it when I first posted it. Who would have thought that critters with blue eyes could look so evil 😈