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We Are Going The Wrong Way — Why Now?
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We Are Going The Wrong Way

In my county we have gone from 5 COVID-19 deaths to 9 in two weeks. We are down to 5 ICU beds available, 4 of which are in the north county. We were at 200 cases for months and now we are approaching 1,000.

Yesterday CNN reported:

At least 56 intensive care units in Florida hospitals reached capacity on Tuesday, state officials said. Another 35 hospitals show ICU bed availability of 10% or less, according to the Agency for Health Care Administration in that state.

Trump’s Tulsa rally, protests ‘likely’ contributed to a surge in coronavirus cases, local health official says. He wants to do the same thing for New Hampshire, as we wait for the results of his Arizona rally.

We are running out of PPE again as the number of cases increase and he wants to open schools. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and has failed to provide any leadership.

In what can be considered ‘good’ news, the mayor of Houston has just told the Texas Republican Party that their convention at a Houston facility can’t be held under current circumstances. What is Trump going to do when a place he wants to hold a rally tells him they don’t have the medical facilities to support a Presidential visit?