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Avast Ye Lubbers — Why Now?
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Avast Ye Lubbers


It’ll be double rations of grog all around in the galley as ye throw the pasta and pesto down your gullet for the final day of Pasta Week, on Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Belay that! ‘T’would be better done by swilling lambrusco directly from the flask!


1 Anya { 09.20.20 at 10:04 am }

As I said previously, I had vast quantities of spaghetti with sweet Italian sausage for Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Are all your hatches battened down and your lifeboats ready for the oncoming storm?

2 Bryan { 09.20.20 at 10:01 pm }

Beta belongs to Texas, I’m dealing with the aftermath of Sally and daytime temperatures an unseasonable mid 60s.

Being from Oneida County my Mother always used kielbasa instead of meatballs.

3 Badtux { 09.22.20 at 4:48 am }

Andouille rather than meatballs here ;).