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The Feast of Saint Lucia — Why Now?
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The Feast of Saint Lucia

This is Saint Lucia’s Day for Scandinavians.

It features special treats that are handed out by a girl wearing a crown of candles, Lucia coming from the Latin for light, LUX.

Saint Lucia was an early Christian martyr from Syracuse on Sicily, but her official feast day, December 13, fit perfectly with the local pagan celebration of the Lussi on December 13, which was the Winter Solstice at the time. Yep, more cover to continue the fun mid-winter celebrations by pretending they are associated with Christianity to get the Church off everyone’s case.


1 Badtux { 12.16.22 at 4:36 am }

I hope the crown of candles are LED these days. Wearing a crown of candles sounds like a real fire hazard!

2 Bryan { 12.16.22 at 9:56 pm }

They are actual candles set in a metal crown worn by a young girl with long, usually blonde, hair who is concentrating on a tray of goodies. A definite fire hazard and child abuse in the name of tradition.