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2024 April — Why Now?
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Posts from — April 2024


It’s Hexennacht, but there is no Blocksberg available for dancing down here and it is so soggy that bonfires are out of the question.

Of course the Church grabbed this holiday too and called it Walpurgisnacht in honor of one of their Anglo-Saxon saints, rather than good German witches [Hexen]. The Celts celebrate Beltaine at this time of the year. It is considered the beginning of summer in much of Europe.

April 30, 2024   Comments Off on Hexennacht

World Penguin Day

Today is World Penguin Day. Krill is the appropriate gift – well for a penguin…

April 25, 2024   Comments Off on World Penguin Day


Australia & New Zealand flags

It is ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand, which is similar to the American Veterans Day, in that it began as a remembrance of World War I, and has become more generalized over the years.

“Anzac Day commemorates the involvement of Australian and New Zealand troops in a World War I campaign on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey.”

The Gallipoli Campaign began as a Winston Churchill [then First Lord of the Admiralty] plan that spun out of control and got a lot of people killed on both sides with nothing much changing, but then, that was quite common in World War I.

Peter Weir made a movie, Gallipoli, which, if nothing else, proves that Sergeant Alvin York, and T.E. Lawrence weren’t the only people who fought in World War I.

[Note: The date is April 25 which is April 24 in the US because of the time zone difference.]

April 24, 2024   Comments Off on ANZAC Day

Saint George’s Day

Cross of St. George

Saint George is the patron saint of England, Georgia [the country], Bulgaria, Portugal, Catalonia, and the city of Moscow. Orthodox countries tend to celebrate George on November 23rd.

PETA condemns George for his senseless slaughter of dragons. The YWCA condemns the condemnation and wants to know when PETA is going to volunteer to be DragonChow™

April 23, 2024   Comments Off on Saint George’s Day

World Book Day

World Book Day

“The date as decided by UNESCO as it was also the death and birth anniversary of William Shakespeare, a world famous author. The date also coincided with the death anniversary of Miguel de Cervantes, who was a noted Spanish author. Some other well known authors whose birth or death anniversary falls on this day are Maurice Druon, Josep Pla and Halldor Laxness.”

April 23, 2024   Comments Off on World Book Day

Chag Pesach Sameach חג פסח שמח

Sundown today marks the beginning of Pesach [Passover]. The story is found in the Book of Exodus. Rather more relevant now after a pandemic (which isn’t over) and ongoing wars.

This is a time of Matzah [unleavened bread], Marror [bitter herbs], wine and the retelling of the story of founding of Israel.

You can, of course, just pop in a DVD of The Ten Commandments, Cecil B. DeMille’s version.

At its core this is a story of immigration and anyone claiming to be a Christian or Jew should pay attention – it’s on the FINAL EXAM.

April 22, 2024   Comments Off on Chag Pesach Sameach חג פסח שמח

Show A Little Respect

Momma Earth

She’s the only planet we have, if we blow it, we can’t pack up and move.

There’s no Plan[et] B.

Wikipedia has an Earth Day entry, with links to other sites.

April 22, 2024   Comments Off on Show A Little Respect

Happy Birthday/Tax Day

Friday Cat Blogging

Today is also Tax Day in the US. Here’s the theme music for the day on YouTube.

April 15, 2024   Comments Off on Happy Birthday/Tax Day

April Fool’s Day

The BBC’s Spaghetti Harvest is still the top of the list for pranks.

April 1, 2024   Comments Off on April Fool’s Day