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2024 June 20 — Why Now?
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Remnant Low Alberto – Day 4

Remnant Low AlbertoPosition: 22.3N 102.0W [ 4:00PM CDT 2100 UTC].
Movement: West [270°] near 24 mph [39 kph].
Maximum sustained winds: 30 mph [ 45 kph].
Wind Gusts: 40 mph [ 65 kph].
Minimum central pressure: 1000 mb ↑.

Currently about 260 miles [ 420 km] West of Tampico, Mexico.

The National Hurricane Center has issued its last public advisory on this system.

Here’s the link for NOAA’s latest satellite images.

[For the latest information click on the storm symbol, or go to the CATEGORIES drop-down box below the CALENDAR and select “Hurricanes” for all of the posts related to storms on this site.]

June 20, 2024   Comments Off on Remnant Low Alberto – Day 4


Today at 3:50PM [CDT] is the Summer Solstice, technically considered the “first day of Summer”, but the mid Summer by much of Europe.

Many Wiccans celebrate the day as Litha, while computer programmers honor their predecessors, the druids, who built the first solid-state computing devices, the megaliths, like Stonehenge.

The Slavs celebrate St. John’s Night, Иван Купала [Ivan Kupala], the battle between the White god [Белобог – Belobog] and the Black god [Чёрнобог – Chyornobog] for control of the Sun. The Black god always wins and the night begins to expand.

The sound track to the battle is Иванова Ночь на Лысой Горе [Night on Bald Mountain ] by Модест Петрович Мусоргский [Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky], which everyone should play very loudly.

June 20, 2024   Comments Off on Litha