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The link goes to CNN’s Belief Blog, not to the Onion or Newsbiscuit, OK?

Poll: 52 percent approve of God’s job performance.

I present it only as an example of the decline of American media.


1 Badtux { 07.27.11 at 10:30 pm }

I wonder what percentage approve of the Easter Bunny’s job performance? 😈

2 Steve Bates { 07.27.11 at 11:08 pm }

I approve of the Tooth Fairy’s job performance, and especially of Santa Claus’s. If God is to receive poll ratings, all other mythical creatures should, too.

3 Bryan { 07.27.11 at 11:25 pm }

I waited to post this, to see if there was going to be an update or retraction, but it is apparently real. Polls cost money, so who paid for it?

The Easter Bunny gets a down-grade for the change to hollow chocolate rabbits, Badtux.

At my age, the Tooth Fairy doesn’t come close to the cost of the tooth that was lost, Steve, but Santa Claus has been doing his job.

I’m waiting for the “usual suspects” to go ballistic on this.

4 Kryten42 { 07.28.11 at 8:57 am }

Well… I decided to do my own poll, and amazingly… I got almost the same result!

I decided to ask my two dogs what they thought of God’s performance, and one barked and wagged his tail (which usually means “yes! Whatever you say! Now, gimme food!”, or “I want to play!” etc) and the other just looked at me for a sec, then turned her head away with a little *grufff*, which usually means “*sigh* you are being stupid again!” I should point out to be clear, the female dog is much older and has known me for years, and the other is still a puppy and only been here a few months, and is eager to please so will agree to just about anything! So, it may not be conclusive. I may have to ask a few more dog’s to be sure. Still. I think it shows that yes, 50% of those asked think God’s doing a good job!”

Surveys are just so amazin n accurat… aint they? 😈

And just by the way… God (supposedly) created dog’s too. So I don’t see why they shouldn’t have a say in it! Cat’s also for that matter… 😉 😆

5 Kryten42 { 07.28.11 at 10:40 am }

And this is the perfect thread for tonight’s TDS! 😆 (REally! You should see this one!)

TDS: July 27, 2011 – Rachel Weisz

Conservatives in America live a lonely life of persecution, and Rachel Weisz discusses filming “The Whistleblower”

Basically, Jon does the first sketch about the some of the US media’s take on the atrocity committed in Norway.

This is what happens when you mix Christianity and the US media. You give birth to a true abomination. No wonder the crazy fundi Islamists think the fundi Christians are all insane. It’s because they are.

6 Bryan { 07.28.11 at 11:33 am }

It isn’t just the Islamists who think the fundi Christians are crazy, in a secret ballot I think most American Christians would like the fundis to go away.

All fundamentalists of all religions or belief systems are crazy and in their mania are missing the best parts of their religions – the parts about community and helping.