Nowhere Man
The Washington Post tells us that Obama, White House seek to reassure base on debt ceiling talks.
Well, no one is buying the lies. BET reports that Conyers Has “Had It” With Obama
Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit) is fed up with both President Obama, in part because of his alleged willingness during debt ceiling negotiations to make entitlement cuts, and Congress, because of what he calls its inaction on job creation. The 24-term lawmaker on Wednesday called for a protest in front of the White House.
“We’ve got to educate the American people at the same time we educate the president of the United States. The Republicans, Speaker Boehner or Majority Leader Cantor, did not call for Social Security cuts in the budget deal. The president of the United States called for that,” Conyers said at a news conference held by the Out of Poverty Caucus, which he co-chairs. “And my response to him is to mass thousands of people in front of the White House to protest this,” Conyers said.
Apparently Zero is attempting to get more support from ‘independents’ with his sell-outs. David Atkins at Digby’s wonders How’s That Working Out for You? The answer is that Zero is dropping like a rock with independents and the base aren’t buying it.
Jobs should have been the number one priority, but Zero would rather have support from Wall Street, than Main Street. Of course, Wall Street is now panicking too, so things are really looking up for ‘generic Republican candidate’.