Politics As Usual
Charlie Pierce is calling for a better class of lies from the Clown College that constitutes the Republican Presidential candidates.
Come on, let’s show some preparation. Even the Shrubbery figured out he had to destroy his National Guard records to run for President. These guys aren’t even that prepared, although Willard did ensure that all of the e-mails from his days as the Massachusetts governor went away.
It would appear that the insurance companies are going to have to struggle along with only Joe LIEberman in the Senate, as their second Senator, Ben Nelson has accomplished his goal of serving enough time to qualify for a Congressional pension and will return to denying claims for big bonuses as an insurance company executive. [Note: most insurance companies in the US are either headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska or Hartford, Connecticut.] It is probably too much to hope that Nebraska will elect a real Nebraska farmer to the Senate, rather than another whacko, like Bob Kerrey.
Among many others, Mustang Bobby points out a reason Congress doesn’t ‘feel our pain’: Between 1984 and 2009 the median net worth, excluding home equity, in constant 2009 dollars for a member of the House rose from $280,000 to $725,000. During the same period the median net worth of a family went down from $20,600 to $20,500. Needless to say, Congress hasn’t been experiencing the same problems as the rest of us. [Note that these number exclude home equity, so things are even worse when that is included because so many people are ‘under water’ on their mortgages.]