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Who Is The Terrorist — Why Now?
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Who Is The Terrorist

Maru, who recently returned from a “vacation” at an undisclosed location in the Caribbean, tells us that Yahoo has a story about the Canadian Minister of Defense, Bill Graham, was delayed at the airport, apparently because of a US watch list.

Assuming this isn’t more Bullshevik pique because the Canadians don’t want to play “Star Wars” with George, who is the William Graham on the list?

Perhaps it is the “star” of WWF: Superstar Billy Graham? No, the WWF has too much in common with NASCAR. Targeting an idol of their base wouldn’t be very Republican.

Perhaps it is Nixon’s favorite preacher: Reverend Billy Graham? No, see above.

It must be the concert promoter: Bill Graham. Just the thing: a Russian Jewish immigrant who fled the Nazis and made a pile of money in Rock and Roll. So similar to George Soros, that wingnuts would drool over any inconvenience. Even better, since he died in 1991, he can’t even sue. Yep, it must Bill Graham.