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While We Were Distracted — Why Now?
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While We Were Distracted

Andante at Collective Sigh tells us that Bush has appointed a big game hunter to head up the US Fish & Wildlife Service. I’m sure the fish and wildlife are going to be pleased that the man in charge of their preservation wants it done by a taxidermist.

Jack at Ruminate This says that the EPA misplaced a decimal point a couple of places when calculating human costs of mercury pollution. They had to lose a report by their own researchers, but, hey, it helps the coal burning power plants.

Would the supporters of “pirate” Social Security accounts can explain how you can make money when the Dow-Jones Industrial Average has gone from 10,587 when Dubya was inaugurated on 20 January, 2001 down to 10,470 today and that doesn’t even take into consideration the management fees and inflation. Muffy and Biff don’t seem to have done much with the tax cuts Dubya gave them, unless they’re investing in Euros.

I don’t know what Dubya has promised John McCain to enlist him in the War against Social Security, but John, one vet to another, he’s lying and will screw you the same way he has screwed every other veteran. Get real, John, he thinks veterans are paper towels: he uses them to clean up his messes and then throws them away.