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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging


Friday Cat Blogging

Go away!

[Editor: JR really doesn’t like having his picture taken.]

Friday Ark


1 Badtux { 04.12.13 at 11:25 am }

Looks more like he’s berating the staff for playing with cameras rather than feeding him.

2 ellroon { 04.12.13 at 11:58 am }

What an unusual coat.. is that just lighting or his actual coloration?

You have the right, you know, to deny service to anyone who is rude to you….

3 Bryan { 04.12.13 at 8:08 pm }

Sure, take his side, Badtux.

Actually he is a normal black and white tuxedo, but when the cats spend a lot of time on oak leaves, especially damp oak leaves, they pick up some brown that is visible is bright light.

Denying service is not a survival plan if you have to walk outside at night – accidents happen …