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Wow! — Why Now?
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They weren’t kidding about the moon being supercharged tonight. For the moment the clouds have cleared out, and even with the light pollution from the street lights, it appears to be a third larger than normal and putting out enough light to block out the stars in the sky to the southeast.


1 hipparchia { 06.23.13 at 12:00 pm }

i went out 2 or 3 times to look, just because of this post, but between the fog and the clouds, i never saw the moon.

speaking of shrouded in fog, somewhere about 2005 or so i started, just on the off chance, randomly sticking [hi, three-letter agencies!] into the occasional email, wondering if i wasn’t being just a little bit tin-foily….

2 Bryan { 06.23.13 at 12:37 pm }

My brothers drive me nuts, because they leave their e-mail on the server and deal with it on-line. I have always downloaded and deleted it from the server, because that was initially the cheapest and fastest way of dealing with e-mail on a dial-up system. They can request my e-mails from the ISP, but the pickings will be slim, as there isn’t apt to be much there, no matter when they back-up their servers.

The moon was definitely impressive, and it was white because of all of the rain cleaning up the air. There was a humidity halo over here, but things cleared out for a while.