What A Coincidence
According to the MSM: Bin Laden to issue video as 9/11 anniversary approaches.
Every time the Shrubbery gets into trouble and needs to scare people, Osama shows up in a new video. There’s no way of verifying the date or time of these videos, but they are certainly helpful.
Sad, really. I give props to CNN for dropping that it was what it took to get Bush re-elected. Sadly, this shell game will probably work again, considering the mouth-breather Bush supporters will now turn their sights on Giuliani (Bush’s NY Lapdog)…
Hmm. I’d have thought the two nutcase leaders would have waited for the next American election to issue a video, but perhaps the desperation on Bush’s part is greater than I knew.
I worried that Bush would forget and refer to Osama as Emmanuel Goldstein, but then I remembered that Bush doesn’t read.
If I believed that the CIA was actually competent I would begin to believe that this was a block ops operation to release these things as required.
Giuliani can not stand the light that will be turned on him. There are a lot of people who really hate him and the stories will be too “Entertainment Tonight” for the media to ignore.
I can’t believe he’s running. He has to know what’s coming.
Dump them both on an island and let them have it out mano a mano, as befits their social status, wealth, and maturity.
Did they get a new actor to play him?
It’s not like he’s ever even been charged criminally with involvement in 9/11.
Indonesian muslims hid Bin·Larden(the leader of Al-Qaida)in Kalimantan.
Isn’t that amazing, Whig, he has not been indicted. He’s on the most wanted list for the 1998 embassy bombings which creates problems for extradition if he was caught.
He’s probably gonna tell us that Iran is Our Friend.
Two spoiled rich kids who have never held a real job between find religion and tear up the world.
That one didn’t occur to me, but if it’s there, I’m lining all my hats with foil.