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In Other News

Jillian lands a big one at skippy and hopefully this will be a wake up call to all of the “Economic Redevelopment Agencies: What corporations want.

The basic story line: the tax breaks and give-aways that states and cities keep telling people will attract businesses are not as important as an educated workforce and the cost of healthcare.

Remember: with tens of millions of Americans without coverage the US spends twice as much per person for healthcare with worse results than other industrialized countries.

Sleep researchers are trying to figure this out: No shut-eye for newborn dolphins, orcas.

Baby dolphins and orcas [killer whales] are awake and swimming full time for weeks after their birth, which contrasts with the pattern for all other mammals.

Current guesses are that the behavior protects them from predators, maintains their body temperature until they can put on body fat, and gives them time to develop their internal flotation sac.

In case you were wondering how to create your own: The scientific flash behind the fireworks.

Deep Impact probe hits comet. Just to rub a little salt into the wounds of the missile defense crew: nyah, nyah, nyah – other people can do it.

Vimy arrives safely in Ireland:

Two American adventurers have flown a Vickers Vimy biplane replica across the Atlantic, re-creating the first non-stop transatlantic flight, made in 1919.

Millionaire adventurer Steve Fossett, 60, and co-pilot Mark Rebholz, 52, landed on the eighth hole on a golf course in Clifden, Ireland, on Sunday about 18 hours and 15 minutes after taking off from St. John’s on Saturday evening.

Fossett does these things, which is nice, but it would be better if he would spend his money on something that mattered more than another stunt. He could have sent a number of kids through college for what this cost and it had already been done 84 years ago.