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I Ain’t Dead — Why Now?
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I Ain’t Dead

Lots of hospital time but I’m still around mostly on Apple stuff.

My life is in turmoil at the moment, but I suspect I’ll be back by Xmas.


1 Anya { 10.13.24 at 10:58 am }

OMG, Borya!

I’ve been so worried, particular with all those hurricanes in your neighborhood. I mean, languishing in a hospital isn’t great, either, but seriously!

Have someone keep me posted if you’re not able to do so yourself.

Get better, sooner, and stay safe.


2 Anya { 10.14.24 at 9:53 am }

Yanno, I emailed you a while back and your reply was promptly marked as spam and deleted. Try this other email this header and see if that helps. >_<

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