The ‘Net ATM
McClatchy had this as their lead story, Obama calls on his Internet campaign army to march again.
It’s an e-mail campaign to all of the volunteers explaining all of the opportunities to continue to provide service to the Obama political machine as it marches forward. Then at the end you see the real reason for the e-mail:
In the hallmark of a campaign that ran on small donations, volunteers are once again invited to make a financial contribution. This time it’s to the Obama-Biden transition effort.
Will the suckers bite again? They didn’t quit after FISA, will they quit after LIEberman? How much kool-aid can they drink before they understand that they aren’t going to get anything but an e-mail thanking them.
In the old days the political machines gave money and jobs to their supporters. In the new version the cash flow is in the other direction. That’s a change.
Note: I realize I’m being cynical about Obama and his campaign, but this is the first time I have been disenfranchised by a “liberal”. Maybe no one told the Obama campaign about the taxpayer dollars that are available for the transition.