Art For Tuesday
June 11, 2024 6 Comments
June 6, 1944 D-Day
This is the 80th anniversary of one of history’s biggest military gambles – the invasion of Normandy. There were so many things that had to fall into place for it to work, that it really is amazing that it did.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt told a news conference the invasion did not mean the war was over. He said: “You don’t just walk to Berlin, and the sooner this country realizes that the better.”
The war continued for almost a year, but FDR did not, dying a month before the German surrender.
This is what it was like when the US had adults in the White House.
June 6, 2024 Comments Off on June 6, 1944 D-Day
June First
The official start of the hurricane season.
1495 – Friar John Cor records the first known batch of Scotch whisky.
1660 – Mary Dyer is hanged in Boston, Massachusetts, for defying a law banning Quakers from the colony. She is considered by some to be the last religious martyr in what would become the United States.
1890 – The United States Census Bureau begins using Herman Hollerith’s tabulating machine to count census returns.
1967 – The Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is released.
1980 – The Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting.
1563 – Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, English statesman and spymaster (d. 1612)
1780 – Karl von Klausewitz, Prussian general (d. 1831)
1804 – Mikhail Glinka, Russian composer (d. 1857)
I wasn’t important enough to make the list…
June 1, 2024 4 Comments
Memorial Day
This is a picture from one of the columbariums at the Arlington National Cemetery, the final resting place of many of those who served the United States since the middle of the 19th century.
That is my Father’s marker. He didn’t know those located around his marker, but they all shared service to their country as part of their life.
The country continues to ask for service and people still respond to that call. As you think about the sacrifices represented by Arlington and other cemeteries, ask yourself if you have done what you could to prevent misuse of the willingness of some to serve.
It is rather for us the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us–that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion–that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Taps – the final salute to a fallen comrade.
May 27, 2024 Comments Off on Memorial Day
2024 Hurricane Outlook
NOAA has released its forecast for this year’s season and it not comforting for of us who live along the coastlines of the Atlantic Basin.
They are predicting 17 to 25 Named Storms. Of those, 13 will become Hurricanes and 7 of those Hurricanes will reach Major Storm status – Category 3 or higher.
The forecast reflects the higher water temperatures in the Basin and a developing La Niña in the Pacific.
May 26, 2024 Comments Off on 2024 Hurricane Outlook
May 25, 2024 Comments Off on DON’T PANIC!
Billy Bowlegs Festival
In order to generate “local excitement” [sell stuff] the chamber of commerce is once again annoying people with the Billy Bowlegs Festival. This year the unavoidable part ran from Thursday, May 16th and finishes up on Monday. The really obnoxious parade on today screws up traffic and sends a lot of noisy people through my neighborhood.
Almost as bad as the parade traffic jam was the Friday fireworks. I know a lot of people enjoy fireworks, but they probably have not seen what loud noises and flashes of light can do to people and aircraft – I am definitely not a fan.
With luck it will rain the rest of the week… 😈
May 20, 2024 Comments Off on Billy Bowlegs Festival
Cinco de Mayo
Wikipedia usually has to “lock” its Cinco de Mayo page. I suspect it may be related to the sudden appearance of sites opposing the celebration of this semi-holiday and others who have a hissy fit about any Mexican holiday being celebrated in the US.
In Mexico Cinco de Mayo or Batalla de Puebla, is only a really big celebration in the state of Puebla, where the battle took place.
The Mexican army won the Batalla de Puebla on May the 5th, 1862, but the French went on to Mexico City in 1863 after receiving reinforcements and installed Emperor Maximilian.
It has the status of St. Patrick’s Day in the US, an excuse to eat different food, and drink different booze, and be obnoxious show an interest in other cultures.
Margaritas, tacos, and the destruction of piñatas, that’s what it is really about.
May 5, 2024 Comments Off on Cinco de Mayo
May The Fourth Be With You
May 4, 2024 Comments Off on May The Fourth Be With You
May Day
The May Day association with labor is all American, and just as controversial as everything of any consequence in history. The day is tied to a strike for the eight-hour day and the so-called “Haymarket Riot” of 1886. When it comes to “riots” and the Chicago police are involved, you are not going to find a single truth.
The dynamic duo that mucked up the Pledge of Allegiance, Dwight Eisenhower and his Republican Congress, made May 1st both Law Day and Loyalty Day so those Commie working people wouldn’t get any ideas about having rights.
In Europe it is also celebrated as the first day of summer with maypoles and bonfires.
May 1, 2024 Comments Off on May Day
It’s Hexennacht, but there is no Blocksberg available for dancing down here and it is so soggy that bonfires are out of the question.
Of course the Church grabbed this holiday too and called it Walpurgisnacht in honor of one of their Anglo-Saxon saints, rather than good German witches [Hexen]. The Celts celebrate Beltaine at this time of the year. It is considered the beginning of summer in much of Europe.
April 30, 2024 Comments Off on Hexennacht
World Penguin Day
Today is World Penguin Day. Krill is the appropriate gift – well for a penguin…
April 25, 2024 Comments Off on World Penguin Day
It is ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand, which is similar to the American Veterans Day, in that it began as a remembrance of World War I, and has become more generalized over the years.
“Anzac Day commemorates the involvement of Australian and New Zealand troops in a World War I campaign on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey.”
The Gallipoli Campaign began as a Winston Churchill [then First Lord of the Admiralty] plan that spun out of control and got a lot of people killed on both sides with nothing much changing, but then, that was quite common in World War I.
Peter Weir made a movie, Gallipoli, which, if nothing else, proves that Sergeant Alvin York, and T.E. Lawrence weren’t the only people who fought in World War I.
[Note: The date is April 25 which is April 24 in the US because of the time zone difference.]
April 24, 2024 Comments Off on ANZAC Day
Saint George’s Day
Saint George is the patron saint of England, Georgia [the country], Bulgaria, Portugal, Catalonia, and the city of Moscow. Orthodox countries tend to celebrate George on November 23rd.
PETA condemns George for his senseless slaughter of dragons. The YWCA condemns the condemnation and wants to know when PETA is going to volunteer to be DragonChow™
April 23, 2024 Comments Off on Saint George’s Day