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About Those Regency Law Schools Grads — Why Now?
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About Those Regency Law Schools Grads

You would think that there would be a few competent lawyers to prevent errors like this. This is the sort of thing that cost junior assistant district attorneys their first cases.

The Associated Press is reporting – Charges dropped for two Guantanamo detainees:

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP) — Military judges dismissed charges Monday against a Guantanamo detainee who chauffeured Osama bin Laden and another who allegedly killed a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, marking a setback to Washington’s attempts to try detainees in military court.

In back-to-back arraignments for Canadian Omar Khadr and Salim Ahmed Hamdan, of Yemen, the U.S. military’s cases against the alleged al Qaeda figures dissolved because, the two judges said, the government had failed to establish jurisdiction.

The new Military Commissions Act, written to establish military trials after the U.S. Supreme Court last year rejected the previous system, is full of problems, defense attorneys argued.

The judges agreed that there was one problem they could not resolve — the new legislation says only “unlawful enemy combatants” can be tried by the military trials, known as commissions. But Khadr and Hamdan had previously been identified by military panels only as enemy combatants, lacking the critical “unlawful” designation.

Prosecuting attorneys in both cases indicated they would appeal the dismissals. But the court designated to hear the appeals — known as the court of military commissions review — doesn’t even exist yet, [Marine Colonel Dwight] Sullivan noted.

This is basic stuff, folks. The definitions matter in court. Typos are not accepted in felony cases, and the people who wrote this law, all part of the Shrubbery’s Hedgemony, should have caught this. The military judges are not going to let egregious errors like this pass.


1 fallenmonk { 06.04.07 at 8:52 pm }

The net net is that both of these poor bastards are still in Gitmo. I know there was a reason I promised Mendel Rivers my firstborn If I could not go to Gitmo. For you young ones Mr. Rivers was on the Armed Services Committee back in the early 70’s and was the target you used if there was something the military was going to do to you that you didn’t think was cool.
He got my orders to Gitmo cancelled and new orders to Hawaii cut…thank you very much.

back on topic…I fear that these guys are going to be stuck here forever. Innocent or guilty they will not get a fair hearing.

2 Bryan { 06.04.07 at 9:30 pm }

This would be a total waste of time and money if everyone at Gitmo was guilty, but knowing that almost all of them are probably innocent, the victims of indiscriminate sweeps and the “bounty system” that the US used, makes it criminal.

We didn’t treat Nazis like this in World War II.

If they wonder why we can’t get better intelligence, it’s because the policies in place, make it a fate worse than death to surrender or cooperate. The final weeks in Germany were marked by mass surrenders, because the enemy knew they would be treated fairly. The Malmedy massacre meant that no allied unit would surrender to the German army, but would fight to the death, because death was all that awaited them.