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Nice Catch — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Nice Catch

Dave Johnson of Seeing The Forest notices a logical inconsistency on the Right: if the Media is a liberal conspiracy, why is the Right opposed to the “Fairness Doctrine?”

You would think they would want the time to explain their point of view – a puzzlement?


1 Michael { 06.25.07 at 10:31 pm }

No puzzlement. They don’t want–and have never wanted–equality or equal time. They want domination, and for their viewpoint to be the only one that is allowed to be expressed or discussed.

Pity for them that the facts just aren’t on their side, and most people are capable of seeing that–at least once their noses are rubbed in it.

2 Bryan { 06.25.07 at 11:25 pm }

Unfortunately, until some of the media conglomerates are broken up, we are not likely to see any diversity over the air waves. They serve their corporate masters, not their audience.

3 Steve Bates { 06.26.07 at 10:13 am }

A. J. Liebling’s famous quote has never been more accurate than it is today… and the radical Right, like any other totalitarian movement, is determined to own all the presses. That’s why bloggers upset them so much: we are people with a whole roomful of presses they can’t own.

4 Bryan { 06.26.07 at 12:27 pm }

It’s all part and parcel of their fear. They must control everything, so that nothing disturbs their preconceptions. They live in a binary world, and Cheney is the one-eyed man that leads them.