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Short Hits — Why Now?
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Short Hits

Canada is upset about the flood of refugees coming in from the US.

Obama apologized at the Slurpee Summit for not “reaching across the aisle”, and will try to do better. So he has scheduled meetings with some Democrats? He’s going to back some liberal legislation? What?

The Offal … excuse me, OFA, wants people to write letters supporting the Federal salary freeze. If they were cutting the salaries of the elected and appointed Federal officials they might get some support, but that would involve members of the Village, so that won’t happen. Once again – suppressing demand by limiting the money available to people who have to spend it, like the overwhelming majority of Federal workers, is going to make the economy worse, not better.


1 ellroon { 12.02.10 at 11:28 am }

How about we freeze all pay for Congress? All the senators and representatives are millionaires anyway…

2 Bryan { 12.02.10 at 2:01 pm }

Every elected Federal official and their staff deserve at least a 30% pay cut, not a freeze. That’s been the effect of their policies on working people, so they should pay the same price.

3 Badtux { 12.02.10 at 3:07 pm }

They (Federal politicians) are all either independently wealthy or on the oligarch dole, so you could pay them $0 and they’d still show up for “work” every day…

– Badtux the Corruption-sniffin’ Penguin

4 Bryan { 12.02.10 at 5:42 pm }

I was thinking about the staff, who are also exempt from the “freeze” because they aren’t part of the “Federal workforce”. Congress exempts itself from all the labor laws they pass.

5 Kryten42 { 12.04.10 at 9:19 am }

I propose you just freeze congress and the senate. You won’t notice any difference at all, but it will be sooooo much quieter! 😆

6 Bryan { 12.04.10 at 4:12 pm }

I’d vote for that. Actually, given how totally worthless my local Congresscritter is, no one would know the difference.