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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Night Shift

Friday Cat Blogging

Nom nom nom…

[Editor: This is a Tonto-patterned feral that only shows up at night to eat. The distinctive markings show that this is a “family” member, but she doesn’t hang out with the others.

Friday Ark


1 jams o donnell { 12.17.10 at 8:24 am }

Do you know how many ferals there are in the colony Bryan?

2 cookiejill { 12.17.10 at 2:15 pm }

Sometimes you just don’t want to hang out with family….especially around the holidays.

3 Bryan { 12.17.10 at 11:06 pm }

My best guess is a little more than a dozen, Jams. The toms usually leave when they reach maturity if they can’t beat the alpha tom, and there is the natural attrition.

She may have found a really good cold weather place in the neighborhood, Jill, but she is not very high on the seniority ladder, so there is no advantage to hanging with her family.

4 Kryten42 { 12.17.10 at 11:50 pm }

Ahhh! A freeloader! 😉 Every family has one! 😛 😈

5 Bryan { 12.18.10 at 9:44 pm }

Well, it wasn’t exactly a potluck or covered dish thing, but I know what you mean 😉

6 oldwhitelady { 12.19.10 at 7:10 pm }

Smart cat! As long as she can still get something to eat when she gets up, sleeping all day is probably safer.

7 Bryan { 12.19.10 at 7:47 pm }

Actually I think she has been scouting a birthing location, and those are never within easy reach of the family. Birthing cats don’t want anyone around in the wild, because that could attract predators. They tend to make very few trips to the location, to avoid leaving a trail, and abandon it for a location within the family’s range as soon as they feel the kittens can be moved.