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Science In The News — Why Now?
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Science In The News

PZ Myers has a story the Blackawton Primary School bee study that has been published in Biology Letters of the British Royal Society, a peer reviewed journal. The study was conducted by a group of 8-10 year-olds studying the ability of bees to solve problems and remember. It also tests the color sight of bees and spatial awareness.

While not earth-shaking, this is real science and covers an unknown area in biology, not a gimmick.

The BBC tells us that Scientists produce ‘world’s smallest Christmas card’. That’s not exactly true as nantotechnologists at the University of Glasgow have etched a 200 X 200 micrometer of glass with an image that says “Season’s Greetings”, not “Happy Christmas”. so you can’t technically call it a Christmas card even though it features a Christmas tree, which also has nothing to do with Christmas.

Perhaps they can use the technology to produce a “sympathy” card for DonoWho when he complains about it. or a violin so we can show how much we care.