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The Flooding Continues — Why Now?
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The Flooding Continues

While the major flooding has passed and people are trying to clean up and restart their lives, the weather begins a fresh assault: Severe storms lash flood-weary Queensland.

A series of fronts with severe thunderstorms, heavy rains, hail, and damaging winds are passing over areas that have been covered in mud by the flooding rivers.

Meanwhile the Victorian flood threat shifts downstream.

The crest of the flood is like a wave in the river that is making its way downstream. When the levees and weirs hold the water bypasses and continues moving South to the next town on the river. Victoria had been experiencing a decade-long drought in some areas, but this is not the way to end it. Without the vegetation to hold the moisture, the water will erode the land and steal the topsoil.

Because of their levees, Towns isolated as floods swamp Victoria. The towns may have limited the water in their buildings, but they can’t protect the roads and rail lines, so they have to wait for supplies.

The floods have generated a lot of volunteerism in Australia, strangers showing up to help people shovel out and clean up, and projects like Baked Relief.


1 cookiejill { 01.19.11 at 11:27 pm }

But…”climate change” is a hoax. Uh..huh.
Just heartbreaking. Truly.

2 Bryan { 01.19.11 at 11:51 pm }

Farmers were seeing their first decent crop after a decade of drought, and now they’ve lost it to floods.

But we must remember that Al Gore needs to avoid dessert…

3 Ame { 01.20.11 at 11:44 am }

I am wary of even considering the effects this flood water will have when it reaches the coastline.
I don’t fear very many things, but flood water is one of those things that I do fear, and good golly think of all the creatures being flushed from their underground habitats in Australia.

4 Bryan { 01.20.11 at 9:48 pm }

I’ll be posting later about the coincidence of the “king tide” the highest tide of the summer, on the Queensland coast. The flood waters want out, and the tide wants in, so there will be coastal flooding.