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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

CC Exposed

Friday Cat Blogging


[Editor: CC is laying in the driveway and showing that she is a mostly white cat with all of the color on the top.]

Friday Ark


1 Badtux { 09.27.13 at 3:08 pm }

So fluffy white… makes a penguin just want to rub that tummy. Of course I know better!

2 Bryan { 09.27.13 at 4:03 pm }

Yeah, you can scratch her ears until she decides you can’t and whips out the claws to make her ‘pointed’ objection. Crazy Cat earned her name.

3 ellroon { 09.29.13 at 2:20 am }

Well… if you want to parade your white fluffy underpants for all to see, kitty, don’t be shocked that we want to pat it… with leather gloves on.

4 Bryan { 09.29.13 at 10:38 am }

When the purr starts to become an ‘eek’, jump away. It isn’t much of a warning, but it is a warning in her mind, Ellroon. It could be 30 minutes, 30 seconds, or 30 milliseconds, but you will hear it.