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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

The Mighty Hunter

Friday Cat Blogging

I’ll get it next time.

[Editor: Boehner again, resting after not catching squirrels all afternoon. I figured a face shot would make it easier to ID him in a line-up.]

Friday Ark


1 Badtux { 02.21.14 at 5:40 pm }

The cat is less orange than the human!

2 ellroon { 02.21.14 at 9:13 pm }

Trying to catch squirrels? I’ll give him an alibi! Dead squirrels you say, officer? No, this brave feline was here with me all afternoon eating kibble and hanging out. Never put an orange-striped paw outside! (Quick, bury the bodies, cat!)

3 Bryan { 02.21.14 at 9:19 pm }

Well, the weather has been lousy, Badtux, so he hasn’t been playing a lot of golf 😉

Ellroon, you don’t have to worry about dead squirrels because Boehner can’t catch them. Boehner is just trying – in many meanings of that word.

4 hipparchia { 02.22.14 at 11:09 am }

he’s the spittin’ image of curmudgeon cat so far – color, markings, personality…. let me know if starts chasing cars and rottweilers and scaring away burglars.

5 Bryan { 02.22.14 at 10:02 pm }

So far his attitude doesn’t include anything much bigger than he is, but I’ll watch for signs.

6 Badtux { 02.23.14 at 2:54 am }

Hopefully not political signs. Though he most likely is smarter than the current Speaker of the House, as well as being of similar color and disposition :twisted:.

7 Bryan { 02.23.14 at 3:47 pm }

Most of the ‘signs’ he puts up are chemical in nature and only involve the politics of sex.

8 Kryten42 { 02.27.14 at 8:28 am }

Hmmm. Sounds like the human counterpart. You sure the cat’s not some kind of animal clone? 🙄

I mean… they have so much in common. Annoy everyone, and fail at everything, and give up… until next time. 😆

9 Bryan { 02.27.14 at 8:00 pm }

It’s probably one of those demons the Christianists are always on about.

10 Kryten42 { 02.28.14 at 5:07 am }

Ahhh! Yeah… demon possessed spirit (or some such… Bible class was a Galaxy far, far away!) 😉 😀

But… I don’t remember if a demon can possess more than one being at a time. Though, cat’s were considered evil back in the day, or ummmm… drat! What was the term? Oh, yeah… a familiar! (Had to look it up!)

In European folklore and folk-belief of the Medieval and Early Modern periods, familiar spirits (sometimes referred to simply as “familiars” or “animal guides”) were supernatural entities believed to assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic.

Hmmm. But Boehner (the humanoid) isn’t even remotely cunning, and the only *witchy* thing about his is probably trying to figure out which shoe goes on which foot! But I suppose… him figuring that out could be considered a form of magic! Yeah… There ya go! Problem solved! 😆

Actually, the whole concept of “Familiars” has been traced back to the so-called “Mystery Schools” of ancient Egypt, where cat’s were considered psychic, and revered. They were also used as guards to protect the temples, as in ancient Asia, and were very effective at it. 🙂