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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Double Teamed

Friday Cat Blogging

Dinner, we want dinner!

[Editor: Ms Underhouse joins Froggy in an attempt to trip me.

Friday Ark


1 ellroon { 08.17.14 at 11:24 pm }

If you fall, you may drop the kibble and the cans of food… makes me think of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMrsCGCwXC8

2 Bryan { 08.17.14 at 11:41 pm }

By doing it they are preventing me from reaching the cat dishes that I want to pour the food into, but they haven’t figured that out yet.

3 ellroon { 08.18.14 at 10:42 am }

Maybe if you just poured the food on their heads….

4 Bryan { 08.18.14 at 2:16 pm }

… I could be at the center of an epic cat fight that would involve having one or both of them climbing me like a tree.

I really don’t think I’ll do that 😉

5 Kryten42 { 08.21.14 at 4:55 am }

LOL It’s a feral conspiracy! 😉 LOL What can you expect from cat’s? They want it NOW dammit human!! 😀

Hmmm. Speaking of ferals (with apologies to cat’s) I came across this a couple weeks ago that just had me laughing! Seems Wikipedia has had to block US Congress from editing because they are too disruptive and annoying! LOL

just for a laugh. 😉
Wikipedia blocks ‘disruptive’ page edits from US Congress

Worse than a bunch of juvenile wannabe hackers and vandals! 😉 😀 And they are running a Nation! LOL

Mind you… I do think they should have allowed this edit: Donald Rumsfeld’s biography was altered to say he was an “alien lizard”. *shrug* Sounds accurate to me. 😉

6 Kryten42 { 08.21.14 at 5:10 am }

And here… Just to keep thinks a little lighter for a change. 😉

It does! It certainly does. 😉 😀

7 Bryan { 08.21.14 at 7:35 pm }

Few who runs for Congress mentions their IQ or academic achievements as a reason to vote for them. And few of those who do are elected. Congress is a reflection of the people who elected them, and it’s pretty damn depressing.

They have started to hire ‘new media coordinators’ in Congressional offices, which turn out to be nerd wannabes who think they understand the ‘Net and social media. They are usually recruited from the paid trolls who infest most discussion threads these days. Just a variation on sock puppets and astro-turf campaigns.