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Mixed Nuts — Why Now?
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Mixed Nuts

The BBC tells me that “An explosion has been reported at a chemical plant in China’s eastern province of Shandong.” Well, it has been almost 10 days since the last chemical explosion in Chine so it was due… 😈

It doesn’t take a gun to stop an attack, it takes people willing to do it. The initial reports said they were Marines, but Airmen, the National Guard, and people without any military training can act too.


1 Badtux { 08.23.15 at 3:49 pm }

Yep, this is why I say there will never again be an airline hijacking with boxcutters or even guns. People know now that if you’re hijacked, you’re dead anyhow, so you might as well do something to justify being dead. The TSA hasn’t prevented a single hijacking attempt since their formation, they’re just security theater.

2 Bryan { 08.23.15 at 5:21 pm }

The airlines had a policy of cooperating with hijackers to avoid injuries because they couldn’t imagine a suicide attack. They were wrong and thousands paid the price for that decision.

TSA doesn’t train people to do the job they are supposed to be doing, they train people to act like they are doing the job.