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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Drying Out

Cat Blogging

I’m not moving!

[Editor: The Great Pumpkin is resting on the on the highest, driest spot he could find after the thunderstorm on Wednesday.]

Friday Ark

Bonus Cat News: From the CBC = Cucumbers terrorize cats, and Hasbro is selling robot cats.


1 jillian { 11.22.15 at 10:11 pm }

looks like he is giving you the “hairy eyeball”

2 Bryan { 11.22.15 at 10:52 pm }

The Great Pumpkin and I have a long history of not being on the best of terms. He is the current alpha tom cat and I have been known to bring out the Super Soaker during his early morning battles.