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CBS complied a list of 5 things that are more complicated than buying a gun in Florida.

There is no limit on the number of rifles you can buy at one time, so if you need to supply a couple of infantry regiments, this is the place to come to place your order. If you want to buy the original Sudafed, OTOH, you will want to go somewhere else.

We had a constitutional amendment approved to allow the dispensing of cannabis for medical purposes, and there has never been a death associated with the use of cannabis in the state, but be prepared to get a lot older while getting a prescription authorized and then filled at one of the few legal stores. Guns can be bought at Walmart, pawn shops, and sporting goods stores.


1 NTodd { 02.19.18 at 11:30 pm }

It’s harder to amend the Constitution than it is to buy AR-15s.

2 Bryan { 02.20.18 at 10:14 am }

The US Constitution, yes. In Florida a 60% vote on an initiative is all that is required. It is money, time, and gathering signatures.