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I Voted — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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I Voted

Voting Sticker

As usual there was no one else voting when I went at 10AM. Two precincts use the town hall for voting, but I have never seen a crowd.

They had hand sanitizer all around, but no gloves or masks.


1 Valerie Emanuel { 03.18.20 at 5:35 am }

I voted by mail–for someone no longer running. Oh well.
Really enjoy your blog, especially when a hurricane is on the way.

2 Bryan { 03.18.20 at 12:24 pm }

I started getting interested in hurricanes after I moved back to Cinco Bayou to help my Mother and had to deal with Opal in 1995. I have followed them ever since. If you do anything long enough you can figure out where the best information is located.

Even though there wasn’t a crowd, I should have voted by mail to protect the poll workers. I’ll probably vote absentee from now on.

3 Anya { 03.18.20 at 12:50 pm }

Milford, NH was, of course, bustling on primary day, as it usually is. Naturally, there was a long list of candidates to get through, and no one had ever heard of covid-19. We’ll see what happens in November, but here’s hoping that hardy New Hampshirites will be out and feeling contentious.

(Apparently, there was some feeling of contention at the primary: there was a tussle between a (supposed) Democrat and a Trump supporter at one poll. How rude!)

4 Bryan { 03.18.20 at 6:00 pm }

Given the response of Trump supporters to the COVID-19 outbreak they may not be an annoyance for much longer.

Alas stupid can be a fatal disease, especially for evangelicals who think people should continue to gather on Sundays, or the politicians who don’t think all of the restrictions are unnecessary.