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I Take It Personally — Why Now?
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I Take It Personally

As a former member of military intelligence I am not going to pretend that my view of the way the Busheviks have treated the military and intelligence personnel is unbiased. It is bad to enough to deal with the actions of “target” governments, without having to defend yourself from the actions of your own government.

I mentioned Larry Franklin when talking about the Plame investigation, so it was no surprise that he is one of those indicted along with AIPAC lobbyists in Pentagon probe.

The USS Liberty was attacked by Israel on 06/08/1967 while in international waters during the Six-Day War. Israel claimed that they attacked a clearly marked US navel vessel flying the US flag in daylight by mistake. Although Israel paid reparations, Israel’s supporters in Congress increased aid to Israel to cover the costs.

The USS Pueblo attacked by North Korea on 01/23/1968 while in international waters and not only was no penalty paid, they continue to use the Pueblo as a tourist attraction.

The USS Stark was attacked by an Iraqi air force Mirage fighter on 05/17/1987 in the Persian Gulf. Iraq paid no penalty and we continued to support them in the Iran-Iraq War.

The USS Cole was attacked by al Qaeda on 10/12/2000. Nothing was done about al Qaeda until after the 9/11 attacks.

American military personnel died in these attacks, and nothing was done. That’s how much support is given to the troops. Compare these reactions to what happened after four mercenaries were killed in an ambush in Fallujah.

No need to discuss the clearly marked US reconnaissance aircraft attacked or shot down while flying over international waters. You won’t find links for the majority of these events, because not only doesn’t the government not react, they rarely even bother to tell people that it has happened.

Really makes you want to go and enlist, doesn’t it. You don’t want to know what I think should be done with yellow ribbons.